Saturday, May 23, 2009

It Is Weird of Me

To respect a culture that says killing yourself is the thing to do if you feel you have hurt or let many other people down? There is a something honorable??? about that. Does that make me sick in the head?

Monday, May 18, 2009

More Intrusion Into the Free Market

Telling car makers what to do should work out just fine. Why listen to the market and what people want. Instead the government will just tell them what they want. That usually works.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

With Graduation Rates Stagnant for Decades

A good use of resources is to make the schools more green. Thanks big government. That should help.

When You Get Caught Lying

The best way to get out of it is use the common phrase - Bush lied people died. Thanks Pelosi.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Another Obama Flip Flop

Hold up on the release of the photos. It could do more harm than good. Weird - that is almost what Bush said. It would not be such a big deal to me if he did not have such a strong opinion against the Bush admin on this one.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Carefully Worded Headline

I wonder if MSM would word the economic news the same way if Bush was still President. I am fairly sure all the same information would be present in the article I just do not think they would make is sound optimistic in the headline.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Obama Shutting Down DC School Vouchers

Education is so important to Obama yet he shuts down a successful DC school voucher program; hurting those(poor minorities) who support him the most.

Romney Talks Health Care

He says government is not the answer yet goverment plays a good size role in his Mass. plan. I like you Romney but this does not make sense to me.